Episode 13
Because We Learned
As children, we're unafraid to take risks. We see the world as one big adventure, and if we hurt ourselves along the way, our parents are there to make it better, and we move on to the next adventure.
Unfortunately, as adults, it seems we've forgotten the art of learning from our mistakes.
My equipment:
- Shure SM7B Microphone
- Motu M2 Audio Interface
- Sony MDR-7506 Studio Monitor Headphones
- Podcast Pro Boom Arm by Accu-Lite and O.C. White
Recommended resources:
- Captivate.fm
- Aweber email marketing
- Boomcaster remote interviewing
- My Podcast Reviews
- Reel.so audiogram creator
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You're listening to The Little Pod of Inspiration, a collection of stories and poems about love, redemption and change. Inspiration is all around us. All we have to do is look.
Danny:As children, we're unafraid take risks. We see the world as one big adventure, and if we hurt ourselves along the way, we shed some tears, get a kiss from our parents, and move on to the next adventure.
Danny:Risks allow us to grow because we know not to make the same mistake that hurt us in the first place. Unfortunately, as adults, it seems like we've forgotten the art of learning from our mistakes.
Danny:We stay with abusive partners. We accept shit from our boss instead of looking for a job where we're valued. And we never take action on that one big idea we have, because everyone will think it's stupid. The thing is, we became the adults who we are because we learned from our mistakes as children. And we turned all right, mostly.
Danny:There's something to be said for that, no? Don't be afraid to take risks - you're only hurting yourselves if you don't.
Danny:Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more from The Little Pod of Inspiration, simply head on over to littlepod.ca, where you'll find more episodes like this. Until the next time, take care and stay safe.