Episode 6
Failure IS an Option
It's hard to fail. It hurts. But it would hurt even more if w weren't where we are now because we did fail.
My equipment:
- Electro-Voice RE320
- Motu M2 Audio Interface
- Sony MDR-7506 Studio Monitor Headphones
- Podcast Pro Boom Arm by Accu-Lite and O.C. White
Recommended resources:
- Captivate.fm
- Aweber email marketing
- Boomcaster remote interviewing
- My Podcast Reviews
- Reel.so audiogram creator
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One of the most famous quotes in living memory is failure is not an option. While the quote may make for great movie fodder, in reality failure is an option in many circumstances and should be celebrated as such.
Danny:Without failing in early love, we'd never meet the person of our real dreams. Without failing in our original career path, we'd never find the one we were truly meant for. Without failing at outrageous goals when we knew no better, we'd never meet the realistic ones when we matured to better knowledge.
Danny:It's hard to fail. It hurts. But it would hurt even more if we weren't where we are now because we did fail. Failure is another word for a long term success plan.
Danny:Much like the magic that can happen because we never failed, the same magic can happen when we do fail, perhaps even more so. All you have to do is be willing to try.