Episode 4

Because We Never Failed

As children, we have unbridled aspirations. We dream to be astronauts. We dream to be princesses. We dream to be the world's greatest sports star. We dream.

But if we don't meet fulfil those dreams, we never feel like we've failed. So why don't we carry that wisdom into our adult lives?

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As children, we have unbridled aspirations. We dream to be astronauts. We dream to be explorers. We dream to be princesses. We dream to be the world's greatest sports star. We dream.


Looking back at our childhood dreams, we rarely feel that we failed because we didn't become the astronaut. Or married the Prince. Or found new lands. Or had stadiums cheering our name.


Instead, we look back and remember a time when dreams had no limits and anything was possible, even if in reality it never was. Yet we never use the fail word because, in truth, we never failed. Just because something didn't happen doesn't mean it's a failure. Far from it.


That failed astronaut? Perhaps he became a doctor and found a cure for cancer. That failed Princess? Perhaps she became a politician and ended global hunger. That failed sports star? Perhaps he became an author and wrote the book that changed the world forever.


Failure is simply a word, a perception of what might have been versus what is. Another path on an ongoing journey. Something that exists because we allow it to.


If we allow failure to exist, we can also disallow it. And if we disallow it, we can think the way we did as children. Where one dream not realised becomes another dream still to happen.


Because if something can still happen, it hasn't failed. And it failure hasn't yet happened? Then perhaps it never will.

About the Podcast

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The Little Pod of Inspiration
inspiring stories and poems of love, redemption, and change

About your host

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Danny Brown

Danny Brown is the host of Pod Chat, The Little Pod of Inspiration, Podcaster Stories, and Memories of 3DO, as well as co-host of Mental Health and Us with his wife, Jaclyn.

He's the Head of Podcaster Experience and Support at Captivate.fm, the world's only growth-oriented podcast hosting, distribution, analytics, and monetization platform.

He lives in beautiful Muskoka, Ontario, Canada with his wife and two kids, where he spends winters in front of a cozy fire and summers by the lake.