Episode 15
Not Belonging
We often confuse belong with habit. Instead of truly belonging, we remain somewhere, or with someone, because the habit has formed and we feel we know no better.
My equipment:
- Shure SM7B Microphone
- Motu M2 Audio Interface
- Sony MDR-7506 Studio Monitor Headphones
- Podcast Pro Boom Arm by Accu-Lite and O.C. White
Recommended resources:
- Captivate.fm
- Aweber email marketing
- Boomcaster remote interviewing
- My Podcast Reviews
- Reel.so audiogram creator
Mentioned in this episode:
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Often we stay somewhere or with someone because we feel we belong.
Danny:We stay with a partner because we belong together.
Danny:We stay at company because we belong at that place.
Danny:We stay with a circle of friends because we belong in that group.
Danny:Yet often we confuse belong with habit. Instead of truly belonging we remain somewhere or with someone, because the habit is formed and we feel we know no better.
Danny:Because of that, we miss opportunities to present ourselves that could make our lives infinitely better and richer. To miss out on these opportunities would be truly sad.
Danny:Just because you're somewhere doesn't mean you belong there.